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Friday, March 29, 2019

April 1 - 5 H. Jones Rise N Shine

Opportunity Statement:   Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources.  We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”

Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

  • Monday - April 1- April's Fools
  • Tuesday - April 2 - PLC Meetings/ No Faculty Meeting - Voting Day.
  • Wednesday - April 3 - Leadership 3:30
  • Thursday - April 4 - PreK meeting 3:30 p.m.
  • Friday - April 5 - Awards during Specials. PBIS Event
State Testing starts this week. There will be small group testing occurring Morning and Afternoon. Please be sure your students are following hallway procedures.
Shout out to 6th Grade Summit. They have completed 2,296 Power Focus Assessments - only 729 to go to complete the year!

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Allison Behne

Issue #559
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
—Charles Caleb Colton
I absolutely love this picture. It’s of my uncle Jim, a high school girls’ basketball coach, and his granddaughter Georgia. This particular night was Georgia’s fourth birthday, and as honorary team captain, she got to help her “papa” coach. She took this very seriously, watching and copying his every move. When he sat, she sat. When he yelled, she yelled. She intently looked to him for cues about what to do next. It was heartwarming to see her following his example, wanting to be just like him.
A great model can have a tremendous influence on behavior. The same is true in our classrooms.
  • The books we bless soon have a lengthy waitlist.
  • Our enthusiasm for a new science unit is contagious, and students search for more information and bring it in to share.
  • The lessons we demonstrate begin to be internalized and used independently.
Modeling provides an example that learners need to be successful. When a behavior, skill, strategy, or concept make sense logically and visually, the learner can more easily enter in and apply the new learning. We see it in how Georgia copycats her papa, and we can use it across all disciplines in our classrooms. Explicit instruction followed by deliberate modeling lays the groundwork for student practice and success. When we are deliberate in our visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modeling with students, we explicitly teach and engage them in a new idea or behavior. We aren’t looking for imitation as a form of flattery, but we are hoping to ignite a lifelong love of learning, persistence, and hard work.

Multiplication Cards Computation and Estimation Concept The student will multiply whole numbers; solve single step and multistep multiplication problems with whole numbers. Materials needed Each student will need: ! 1 deck of playing cards o Ace’s labeled 1 o Jack’s labeled 10 o Queen’s labeled 11 o King’s labeled 0 ! Work it Out page ! Whiteboard ! Dry erase marker ! Calculator Directions
1. Shuffle cards and make one stack, face down. 2. Flip over one card and place it face up in the top spot of the Work it Out page. 3. Flip over another card and place it on the bottom spot of the Work it Out page. 4. Multiply the numbers, use Work it Out page to show work. 5. Write the product of the two factors on the Work it Out page. 6. Check work with the calculator–if correct, move on to next problem, If incorrect circle the problem, write the correct answer, and then move on (teacher can use this to determine who needs additional support). 7. Place used cards in a discard pile. 8. Start over with step two. Differentiate For more advanced students, use 2 x 2 & 3 x 2 multiplication. For struggling students, limit cards to lower numbers or make it an addition game.

Where do I find?.........


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days 
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days

OKCPS ELA Standards by Grade Level
OKCPS and OAS Crosswalk

6th Grade Bundles

OKCPS Math  by Grade Level
OKCPS-OAS Crosswalks
OKCPS Standards by Bundles
Pre-Kindergarten  Bundles
Kindergarten  Bundles

Elementary ELA Year- at- a- Glance

Friday, March 15, 2019

March 25 - 29 Tucker Rise N Shine

Opportunity Statement:   Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources.  We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”

Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

  • Monday, March 25 - Brett, Gorman, Tucker, Hunt out for Summit Training. Marcin Out
  • Tuesday, March 26 - Brett, Gorman, Tucker, Hunt out for Summit Training.  PLC Meetings.  New Teachers Meeting 3:30 p.m.  NO Faculty Meeting.  Grades are due by close of day. Marcin Out
  • Wednesday, March 27 - Leadership Meeting Library 3:30. Report Cards Printed. (Awards tentative for April 5th). Marcin Out
  • Thursday, March 28 - Regular Day. Report cards go home with Thursday Folders.
  • Friday, March 29- 2nd Grade Field Trip, Kindergarten Field trip
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to Math Night and helped set up, run a station, or pack up! We hope everyone had fun with the kids and families.

Our count projects about 300 people total attended. 150 students turned in completed passports. Thank you to everyone who advertised Math Night to their kids and families! 

Our chronically absent students has increased by 1.6% from this time last year.  What can we do to make sure our students are at school on time every day?  Look at your grade level - what is the percentage of students who are considered chronically absent?
Way to go 3rd and 6th grade.... you have the least amount of chronic absence students.

After Spring Break, we will be raffling off additional prizes to students who attended Math Night. We are still in need of raffle prizes like flash cards, math manipulatives, or Dr. Seuss trinkets. If anyone can stop by the Dollar Tree or Target’s One Spot and pick something up over break, that would be much appreciated.   Ms. Leeson

Some of our families that were in the Coolidge feeder pattern last year WILL NOT BE in our feeder pattern this year.  To check your school location for the 2019-2020 school year has it all!!!!!!!   Bring up the home page when you see this banner click on learn more tab.  This brings up the new feeder patterns and the new school locator tool 2019-2020.



A bit more information about transfers for 2019-2020.  Your questions

1. YAY! The online transfer application and information including the 2020 School Locator information is on the home page!  Please refer all those persons asking for information to those pages.  

(the first of the six dots on the revolving board on the home page)

Transfer Information Line

***This does include employees' children who attend school where their parents work.

Where do I find?.........


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days 
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days

OKCPS ELA Standards by Grade Level
OKCPS and OAS Crosswalk

6th Grade Bundles

OKCPS Math  by Grade Level
OKCPS-OAS Crosswalks
OKCPS Standards by Bundles
Pre-Kindergarten  Bundles
Kindergarten  Bundles

Elementary ELA Year- at- a- Glance