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Monday, October 29, 2018

Oct 29 - Nov 2 Wendling Rise N Shine

Opportunity Statement:   Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources.  We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”

Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”
Image result for Red Ribbon
Monday - Pledge Day - "Put a Lid on Drugs" - Wear Crazy Hats
Tuesday - Sock it to Drugs - Wear crazy socks
Wednesday - Say Boo to Drugs - Wear Halloween costumes
Thursday - Shade Out Drugs - Wear Sunglasses
Friday - Red Out - ear red from head to toe.

Mon, Oct 29 - Scouts at Rise N Shine,
Tues, Oct 30 - PLC Meetings, Faculty Meeting
Wed, Oct 31 - Pat will be here and we will be conducting classroom visits.
Thurs, Nov 1 - Regular Day
Friday, Nov 2 -

Benchmark Literacy - Unit 3 Week 2.

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
Text Importance, Sequence of EventsText Importance, Sequence of EventsText Importance, Sequence of EventsText Importance, Sequence of EventsVisualize and Make InferencesVisualize and Make InferencesSUMMIT

1st Grade:

Unit Title- Topic
Skip Counting and Patterns
Course/Grade Level
Curriculum Area
Suggested Time Frame
Desired Results
1.N.1 Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120, with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones.
1.A.1 Identify patterns found in real-world and mathematical situations.
1.D.1 Collect, organizes, and interprets categorical and numerical data.
  • Patterns show order in the world.
  • Patterns can be found in many different forms.
  • What is a pattern?
  • How do I find patterns in skip counting?

2nd Grade:

Unit Title- Topic
Patterns and Data
Course/Grade Level
Curriculum Area
Suggested Time Frame
Desired Results
2.A.1 Describe the relationship found in patterns to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
2.A.2 Use number sentences involving unknowns to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems.
2.D.1 Collect, organizes, and interprets data
  • Number patterns repeat predictably and can be generalized and applied.
  • Numbers are composed of other numbers.
  • How can you use a number pattern to solve problems?
  • How can patterns be used to predict what comes next?
  • How are repeating and growing patterns generated?
3rd Grade:

Unit Title- Topic
Problem Solving with Data
Course/Grade Level
3rd Grade
Curriculum Area
Suggested Time Frame
2 -3 Weeks
Desired Results
3.N.2 Add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers; multiply with factors up to 10; represent multiplication and division in various ways; Solve  real-world and mathematical problems through the representation of related operations.
3.D.1 Summarize, construct, and analyze data.

4th Grade:

Where do I find?.........


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days 
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days

OKCPS ELA Standards by Grade Level
OKCPS and OAS Crosswalk

6th Grade Bundles

OKCPS Math  by Grade Level
OKCPS-OAS Crosswalks
OKCPS Standards by Bundles
Pre-Kindergarten  Bundles
Kindergarten  Bundles

Elementary ELA Year- at- a- Glance