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Friday, July 31, 2015

August 3, 2015

July 31, 2015

Look ahead for August 3, 2015

Administrative Team:
Melissa Brett, Principal
Carson Cramer, Assistant Principal
Mackinley Cross, PAR
TBA, Counselor

Notes from the Principal:

"Do I belong?" is one of the biggest concerns students have in common across all grade levels.  My challenge to each professional at Coolidge Elementary, and all of OKCPS, is to give your students proof every day that yours is the right class and you are the right teacher for them.  

Five things to avoid at the beginning of the school year!

1.  Not asking for Help. - If you need help, ask!  You will not annoy your co-workers or campus administration if you have questions.   If you are struggling in an area, classroom management for example, talk to campus administration or your veteran teachers to get some ideas in order to keep the classroom a place for learning.  
2. Afraid of being firm with your students. - DO NOT BE A DOORMAT.  Do not be afraid to show your students that you are unhappy about their behavior.  Think about the students who are missing out on instruction because of disruptions and an unsafe environment... If that doesn't make you want to take control, firm up, and do what's best for the students you may need to have a long talk with yourself.  
3. Not knowing it's OK to leave the to-do list unfinished at the end of the day. - We will have days that are longer than others, but DO NOT FREAK if you leave stuff on your to-do list.  Set yourself a time to go home and address your time sensitive things first.  Tomorrow is another day.  
4. Spending WAY to much $$$. It is very easy to offer extrinsic rewards, restock supplies yourself, and not know available resources we have at Coolidge Elementary.  Some ideas on keeping your hard earned money in your pocket:  Limit those rewards, find the stores that have teacher discounts, utilize SNAPS, ask your peers for available resources.
5. Worrying too much. - Some worry is valid, other worries are totally ridiculous.   If you are investing in your students, designing reasonably effective lessons (even if they aren't as effective as they were in your head), and being diligent about identifying and fixing the things that truly aren't working, your students will learn.  Even if you feel like a total failure, I can promise as someone who's been there that you're not.  Keep doing your best and try to improve where you can, but don't get so hung up on the silly stuff that you are paralyzed by fear or burn out.  

Coolidge Elementary Academic goals for 2015-2016

  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
  • Decrease suspensions by 25%.

Weekly Look Ahead:

Word of the Week:  Integrity.
GE Team leads Rise N ShineFor this week and next week -
Keys, Opheim, Burmaster, Helmick, Barton, Baker, Werito  (Byers, Kummel will stay with their kids at least for this first week)
Monday August 3, 2015:  Rise N Shine - students will go to classrooms.   Normal School Day

Tuesday August 4 2015:  Grade Level Meetings during planning time, this includes specials teachers. Getting Started with IPads for PreK - 2nd grade during PLC Meetings. Faculty meeting after school. Healthy Lifestyle Presentation - Baker and Barton, LLI Kit Presentation - Baker and Schwartz. Normal School Day

Wednesday August 5, 2014:  Normal School Day

Thursday August 6, 2015:  Brett out of building for Principal Meeting till p.m.  Normal School Day

Friday August 7, 2015:  Rise and Shine in the Gym,  Jeans Day.  Publish your lesson plans for August 10th to the Google Drive by 4:00 p.m.

Have a GREAT first week of school! 

Videos Worth Watching:

Ron Gutman: The Hidden Power of Smiling - via @TEDTalks

Articles Worth Reading:

What an Effective Teacher's Classroom Looks Like - via @middleweb

Why Are We Waiting For Tomorrow? - via @gcouros

A Month of Math, Magic, and Mystery - via @sciam

2 Things That Really Matter When Leading Your School, District, or Organization This Year - via @21stPrincipal

Teaching Spanish with Comprehensible Input - via @sonrisedelcampo

10 Tips For Teachers To Connect With Parents via Social Media - via @TeachThought

Awesome Classroom Visual Featuring 10 Tips for New Teachers - via @medkh9

30 Ways to Use Chromebook in Education - via @medkh9

Additional Support Sites: - Great, and FREE, website with RTI supports.