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Friday, May 19, 2017

May 22, 2017

Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

Attaining Learning Outcomes = Higher Achievement

Teacher Theme Days this week......
  • Monday:  Athlete vs Mathlete.  EOY Conference with Pat
  • Tuesday:  Tourist Tuesday, PLC Meetings - Splitting classes for next year.    Schools Out Celebration for Logue and Spitzer after school.  Grades POSTED.
  • Wednesday:  Wild Wednesday
  • Thursday:  Take Me Out to the Ball Park, Super Kids Day.  Shorts and spirit shirt for students.
  • Friday:  Glitz & Glamor, 6th Grade Bridging (Free dress for 6th grade), Talent Show, Print Report Cards.
  • Monday:  NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday:  Last Day of School, Awards Assemblies during specials.  
  • Wednesday:  Record Day
  • Thurs/Friday:  Snow Make Up Days for Teachers (If you have them to make up).
Have a safe and restful break..... see most of you in July.  Melissa

This is our last full week of school - let's make it COUNT!

Oracy in the Classroom:  Strategies for Effective Talk


"What makes me enjoy talking the most," explains Milo, a Year 3 student, "is that everybody’s listened to you, and you’re part of the world, and you feel respected and important."
Oracy -- the ability to speak well -- is a core pedagogy at School 21, a London-based public school.
"Speaking is a huge priority," stresses Amy Gaunt, a Year 3 teacher. "It's one of the biggest indicators of success later in life. It's important in terms of their employability as they get older. It's important in terms of wellbeing. If children aren't able to express themselves and communicate how they're feeling, they're not going to be able to be successful members of society."
Oracy is taught during assemblies and wellbeing classes, but "it's embedded into every single lesson," says Gaunt. Students use oracy techniques in the classroom, every day, in every lesson -- guided by their oracy framework -- to discuss their ideas about Ancient Greece, problem solving, and explaining their learning in maths.
From forming different groupings to using talking points, learn how you can integrate strategies for effective talk in your classroom.

How It's Done

Embedding Oracy Into Your Classroom (It's Already Happening)

The first step in embedding oracy into your classroom is accepting that it already happens -- your students talk a lot, and you can leverage that, suggests Gaunt. "You start from the idea that talking isn't an extra thing," she advises. "It's children discussing ideas with each other and coming up with their own conclusions. Talk supports thinking, and that means it supports learning."
Teaching oracy means putting more intention behind how you guide and organize your students' talk. When they gather for group work or discussions, give them talking guidelines, roles, and tools. For example, sentence stems are starting phrases that help them complete their thinking in a full sentence and add intention to how they form their thoughts and communicate their learning.

Create Discussion Guidelines With Your Students

Creating discussion guidelines with your students is a great place to start implementing oracy in your classroom. "Once you've got them, it encourages you to include a lot more discussion within your lessons, and it also gives you a framework for those discussions," says Gaunt. "Having a clear set of guidelines makes sure that discussion is focused and that it has good learning outcomes, as well."
Create your discussion guidelines with your students. Show them examples of what good and bad discussion looks like. You can show them a prerecorded video, or model for them with another educator. "Through looking at the differences between good and bad discussion, we were able to say, 'These are the five or six key things that we think make a really good discussion.' And they become our discussion guidelines," says Gaunt.
Here are a few of the discussion guidelines that School 21 students have created:
  • Always respect each other's ideas.
  • Be prepared to change your mind.
  • Come to a shared agreement.
  • Clarify, challenge, summarize, and build on each other's ideas.
  • Invite someone to contribute by asking a question.
  • Show proof of listening.
"If you don’t show proof of listening, that means the person who’s talking doesn’t feel like they have the proper respect, and they don’t feel like they’re important in the discussion," explains Milo.

Guide Your Students to Reach a Shared Agreement

It's common for young children to stay stuck in their beliefs and want to get their opinions across, which is one reason why it's important for them "to try to reach a shared agreement," explains Gaunt, "but sometimes that's not going to happen." A shared agreement lets students know that it's OK to change their mind, as well as the progression of their discussion and how it's going to end: They will share their ideas, listen to each other, possibly change their minds, and then come to an agreement. Understanding the flow of discussion helps to guide them through it.

Help Your Students Analyze Discussion Guidelines

Use talk detectives -- one or two students who go around the room and observe their peers talking in group discussions -- not only to help enforce the guidelines but also to give students an opportunity to reflect on them. Your talk detectives will have a sheet of paper with the discussion guidelines on one side, and then three boxes to the right of it where they can write students' names and what they said that fit within the guidelines. "For example," explains Milo, "somebody might say they invited somebody to contribute by saying, 'So, what's your idea?' They would write their name and what they said."
"It’s getting the children to think about their conversations meta-cognitively," says Gaunt. "That’s been really successful."

Consider How to Group Your Students

Each grouping will yield a different type of conversation. Consider how to group your students based on the different types of conversations you want them to have. When starting out, focus first on teaching your students how to work in pairs. In the primary grades, School 21 largely uses pairs, trios, and traverse (see image below), and focuses on the other group structures -- like onion grouping -- as they get older. Each group configuration below shows different ways to do partner talk. "The colors represent partners A and B," explains Gaunt. "A blue dot is always next to a yellow dot."

"We do a lot of, 'Turn and talk to your partner about this,' but what we noticed was that children weren't actually listening to what their partners had to say," recalls Gaunt. "We had to teach them what good partner talk looked like," emphasizing:
  • Looking their partner in the eyes
  • Thinking about the volume they're speaking at
  • Giving their partner personal space
Working in trios is good when students discuss talking points (usually controversial statements) where they start out by agreeing or disagreeing with the statement, and then work toward coming to a shared agreement among the group.
When they begin exploring how to talk in larger groups -- five or six members -- they start to take on roles to help them guide the discussion.

Create Discussion Roles

As adults, there are roles that we innately play in conversations, and we need to teach them to our students, says Gaunt, adding, "I used to think that if you let children talk, they'll just naturally be able to talk, but actually, we need to teach them how to talk."
In primary, there are three roles that School 21 focuses on initially: clarifier, challenger, and summarizer. "We need to teach them what those roles are, what they mean, what they look like in conversations, and the language and phrases that we might use if we're playing those roles" explains Gaunt.
To introduce conversation roles to your students, model them. School 21 teachers play recorded videos of themselves having conversations, and have their students analyze, identify, and discuss the roles they played. "They can then apply that to themselves and reflect back on what they're doing," says Gaunt.
Once your students initiate the roles without guidance, you can introduce them to other roles, like builder, instigator, and prober.

Create Structured Talk Tasks

School 21 uses Talk Tasks, structured activities to help students discuss their learning within a lesson. They often use visuals to describe their Talk Tasks.
In a math lesson about how time is measured, they have a visual split into two columns. One column shows six images relating to different measurements of time, and the other one has sentence stems for partners A and B to discuss those time measurements.
Talking Points, a controversial statement to initiate discussion, can be used in any subject. Talking points encourage discussion by navigating away from yes or no responses to questions, introducing students to a format on how to carry out the conversation. Students will either start speaking by saying, "I agree with that statement because" or "I disagree with that statement because."
In School 21's history lesson on Ancient Greece, teachers used the talking point, "Beliefs were not important at all in Ancient Greece," and had their students talk in trios.
Ghost Reading is a cross-curricular tool for encouraging students to speak. Have your students read aloud a text together. Leave it up to them to determine how long they read and who reads next.
Collective Writing is a piece of writing created collaboratively. Pick a topic -- whether in science, English, history, or anything else -- and have your students take turns speaking about it. They can offer a paragraph, a sentence, or even a word, whatever they're comfortable with. Write down what your students say, and then read it aloud when they're done.
In studying Ancient Greece, teachers form groups of five and have their students reach a consensus on who should be the new patron goddess or god of the fictional city-state Dasteinia. They share background information with their students on the geography, leadership, and income of Dasteinia, and through the roles of summarizer, challenger, and clarifier, they discuss which god or goddess would be the best fit. One student acts as a spokesperson to share out their decision to the whole class, and another group member takes on the role of talk detective throughout the discussion.

Build Comfort and Confidence in Your Shy Students

With time, the foundations of oracy skills -- discussion guidelines, discussion roles, and choosing the level of participation in structured talk tasks -- build up a student's confidence around speaking.
To ease your students into talking, start them off with sentence stems -- a few words to help them start their sentence. This reduces the uncertainty of what they should say, gives them a framework on how to focus their sentence, and helps them to speak in full sentences.
"Sentence stems are a way of scaffolding people to talk, especially when people are less confident," says Gaunt. "If you give them that structure to hang their ideas and thoughts on, and they don't need to think so much about how they're going to start their sentence, they're more confident to just speak."
You can encourage your students to build on each other's ideas by using sentence stems. They can say, "Linking to So-and-So's point, I think that…" You can also use sentence stems to have your students explain their learning by saying, for example, "I started looking at this math problem by…" Below are more sentence stems that you can use in English, history, art, and science.
  • A similarity between these texts is…
  • A difference between these texts is…
  • The author's choice of X shows…
  • In this era…
  • This artifact shows that…
  • This source illustrates that…
  • This source is biased because…
  • This source is more reliable because…
  • I like this picture because…
  • I prefer the work of X because…
  • The composition of this piece shows that…
  • The techniques I have noticed are…
  • The results show that…
  • The conclusion I have drawn is…
  • There is a correlation between ... and ....
  • An anomaly I noticed is…
  • I have observed...
Oracy is embedded in School 21's culture. Starting in primary, students build their oracy techniques in the classroom, every day and in every lesson. In secondary, they continue to develop their oracy skills through public speaking. "We're practicing it all the time in every lesson we're in," says Matilda, a Year 9 student, "and by the time you get to Year 9, it's almost instinctive."

To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
  • Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
  • Every child reads accurately
  • Every child reads something they understand.
  • Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
  • Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
  • Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2016-2017
  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade
          6th Grade
OKCPS Math Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade

Melissa Brett | Principal
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 15, 2017

Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

Attaining Learning Outcomes = Higher Achievement

  • Monday, May 15, Girls on the Run
  • Tuesday, May 16, PLC Meetings, Faculty Meeting
  • Wednesday, May 17  6th grade specials moved to 10:30 a.m.  K-3 Specials 1:15 p.m., gym.  Girls on the Run, PBIS/GE Meeting 3:30 Library.
  • Thursday, May 18  Science Night.  Brett out - Principal Meeting.
  • Friday, May 19  All textbooks to be turned into Ms. Nelson in library.
I hope everyone had a great weekend with family and friends.  We have just over 2 weeks of school left and we need to be sure we are using our time wisely.

Practice a Positive Mindset

When you walk into the staff lounge, do so with a smile and find something positive to share with your colleagues about this year. Try to pull a happy memory out of them of a successful lesson or bright moment in their year. Both of you will return to your students feeling refreshed.

Ending the Year on a Positive Note

It's that time of year. You look up at your calendar and begin counting down to the last days of school. You might even have little numbers in the corner of the boxes indicating how many days are left in the year or until graduation.
Likewise, your students are on the edge of their seats. Maybe the weather has been getting nicer and nicer, or maybe students are in a hubbub about the upcoming dance or graduation or their summer vacation.
Administrators are wringing their hands with everything that needs to be done before the school doors close for the summer. Maybe they have preparations for summer programs, or maybe they're awaiting those all-important preliminary test scores from the State.
May is a tough month for anyone who works in a school.
I won't pretend to be immune to that end of year feeling, but I'm determined not to let it make me crazy.
Here's how we can stay sane and end the year with a bang.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Rather than counting down the days, start a list of your most successful uses of technology this school year. Celebrate your growth and make either a pencil and paper list (I'm picturing one of those papers under a magnet on your fridge or tacked to your corkboard), a blog post or Facebook note listing at least 5 things that you have done better this year (try tagging a few colleagues or teacher friends in your Facebook post to get a nice conversation going), a few new things you have tried or changes you have made in your classroom because of technology. This could be as simple as creating a filter in your email inbox, trying out a new Web 2.0 tool, starting a blog or using email to correspond with parents.

Encourage Student Reflection

Have your students reflect on their own use of technology and have them brainstorm ideas for next year. Let them offer up ideas for how technology could have been implemented in a lesson or project or have them list their favorite ways that the class has used technology this year.

Practice a Positive Mindset

When you walk into the staff lounge, do so with a smile and find something positive to share with your colleagues about this year. Try to pull a happy memory out of them of a successful lesson or bright moment in their year. Both of you will return to your students feeling refreshed.
Those are a few of my approaches. What else can we do to end the year on a high note?

In the comments section please include your ideas for ending the year on a high note.

To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
  • Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
  • Every child reads accurately
  • Every child reads something they understand.
  • Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
  • Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
  • Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2016-2017
  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade
          6th Grade
OKCPS Math Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade

Melissa Brett | Principal
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 8, 2017

Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

Attaining Learning Outcomes = Higher Achievement

May 8 - 12th.  Brett will be out - the babies are having surgery.  Please be kind to each other and our students.  
  • Monday:  1st Grade Field Trip to Zoo, Science Night Planning Meeting, 
  • Tuesday:  Show Choir to Douglas.  McTeacher Night at McDonalds, 5 - 8 p.m. PLC Meetings
  • Wednesday:  PreK field trip.  Girls on the Run Community Service Event
  • Thursday:
  • Friday:  PreK field trip

Shout out to Ms. Pearson, Ms. Jackson, and Ms. Leeson..... to date they have PERFECT ATTENDANCE!  

Reminder:  The office is NOT your Time Out Room.  Ms. Lopez, Ms. Tucker, and Ms. Ozoyo are enrolling new kindergarten students and new PreK students.  If a child is sent to the office there should be a referral.  Please refer to your PBIS - is this an office referral or a classroom managed event.

Teacher Appreciate Week.
Shout-out to Ms. Martinez,  Ms. Tucker, Coach Barton and Hospitality, and our PTA teachers Ms. Opheim and Ms. Burmaster  who worked so hard to be sure everyone received a treat during Teacher Appreciation Week - not just the lunches and breakfasts. Please remember to thank them for their hard work - they truly went above and beyond.

Summer School Teachers:  We are looking for summer school teachers for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. You will be working primarily with our Coolidge kids, but there will be students from Prairie Queen, Rancho, Hillcrest, and Fillmore at the site.  The site for summer school will be Prairie Queen Elementary, 6609 S Blackwelder Ave.  Summer School will run from June 5th - June 29th, Monday - Thursday.  The teacher positing will be added to Search Soft next week.  If you are available - this is a good way to work in a smaller group with some of our struggling students.  

How to Help Gifted Students Find a Place in Your Classroom Community

When a gifted kid complains that he doesn’t fit in, our first instinct is often to help the child be like other students. But what if, instead, this child might need to find children who share his interests? How can you help integrate gifted students into your classroom?
Teacher Carolanne asked this same question in our  WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group: “I have a student who is gifted. He doesn’t like to work with other students because he struggles with letting others explore their ideas. I’ve been working with him on this and he is doing a little better,” she writes.
“However, he has no friends. He wants them. He has some other less than desirable habits like picking his nose and eating the boogers and tuning everyone and everything out to read. No one plays with him at recess. I’m really sad for him. Does anyone have books or lessons that might help?”
We asked Dr. Ruth Lyons, Gifted and Talented Expert, to weigh in.

1. Teach the gifted student to be a flexible thinker.

Gifted students often get stuck in their own little worlds. They aren’t meaning to be rude or trying to make others feel inferior, they just aren’t aware. Teaching a student to be a flexible thinker takes time. Give extra warnings when an activity is about to end or there is a transition is about take place.
Also, letting a student know that there will be additional time to finish an unfinished task is helpful. Gifted students can get caught up in the task at hand and be unaware of what is happening.

2. Use bibliotherapy to help the gifted student identify.

Chances are, books are already a major part of a gifted child’s identity. Allow books to be the mentors. Bring in titles that may help them identify with the main character, such as Matilda, Westlandia, and Archibald Frisby.

3. Provide opportunities for this student to be successful in social settings.

Gifted students who struggle with social skills and cues may not have a wide array of success in this area.  Put them in charge of a classroom task you know they will be successful at and offer praise for the social aspect of that leadership role. Students need to experience success before they feel comfortable emulating it on their own.

4. Help the gifted student find his or her tribe.

Gifted students need to have some time in their week where they are surrounded by like minded peers. Start a book group during lunch, a LEGO club after school, or find local extracurriculars that may allow this student to find his or her tribe and experience social success there.
Being with like-minded peers lets a gifted student feel accepted and allows them to build a sense of belonging.

5. Provide visual or verbal cues for the gifted student.

We’ve discussed how the gifted student can get caught up in what they are doing—this means they can often become unaware of unsavory habits like nose-picking, nail biting, or humming.
Speak to the student in private and create an agreed upon motion or word that you can use to bring them back to reality and as a cue that they need to stop what they are doing.

6. Be the hostess with the mostest!

Just as you would at a dinner party or event, introduce like-minded students whom you think would get along, “Billy, meet Tommy. Tommy just went to the zoo over vacation with his family. Tommy, did you know that Billy knows a lot about reptiles? I am sure you two have a lot to share.”

7. Learn more about what it means to be gifted.

When gifted students grow up and reflect on their schooling, a common reflection is that they wish the adults in their life knew more about what being gifted meant. There are an abundant of great resources out there for teachers to grow professionally. Join a webinar with or, read Raisin’ Brains, or contact your state affiliate group for resources.

8. Be patient.

Gifted students’ intellectual, physical, social, and emotional growth are often uneven. Understanding this may help you interact with the student in a different way. Provide positive reinforcement for behaviors you want to continue to see and be sure not to shame a student when they do something not socially acceptable. By incorporating some of the above advice, hopefully over time you will see some positive growth.
 on March 28, 2017  We Are Teachers

To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
  • Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
  • Every child reads accurately
  • Every child reads something they understand.
  • Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
  • Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
  • Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2016-2017
  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade
          6th Grade
OKCPS Math Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade

Melissa Brett | Principal
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)