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Friday, February 23, 2018

February 26 Rise N Shine Hall

Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

Author of the Month:  Maya Angelou
Word of the Month: Brave  Rise N Shine:  Ms. Hall

Monday Feb. 26 - Grandparents Raising Grandkids 5:30 p.m.
Tues Feb. 27 - PLC Bring Your Laptops and District Performance Assessments
Wed. Feb 28 - Ms. Key's Photo Shoot
Thurs. March 1 - Job Fair Douglas High School 900 ML King, 4 - 7 p.m. 
Friday March 2 

We will be revewing Comprehensive Snapshot scores and Performance Assessments during PLC time.  Be sure you bring your laptops.

Growth - ELA (still some students to test and will affect overall scores):
3rd Grade - +10.5%
4th Grade - +5.67%
5th Grade - +24.67%
6th Grade - +18%

Math - (Still some students to test and will affect overall scores)
3rd Grade - +9.75%
4th Grade - +4.02%
5th Grade - +18.67%
6th Grade - (-)0.6%

  1. Keep learning. Don’t forget what it is like to be in the shoes of a first-time learner. What comes easily to one person may not to another. Patience, empathy, and clear directions help guide a person through the learning process.
  2. Persevere. I am still learning, but each week it is getting easier, and I am gaining a lot from all the rich conversations I am part of. Great things come to those who persevere.
  3. Ask for help. When you are interested in trying something new, it helps to have someone with experience to guide you.
  4. Sometimes less is more. Twitter limits users to 140 characters. I didn’t understand how deep learning could take place with such a low character count. I now know. My thinking has been enriched by many tweets of 140 characters or fewer.
Twitter Training Take-Aways.... The 2 Sisters.

When it comes to English Learners (ELs), simple teaching strategies and practices can be some of the most effective. Two tools that should be in every teaching toolbox are “Think, Pair, Share” and “Circle Time”. Most educators are aware of these strategies, but many may not be aware their effectiveness for ELs. 

inside outside
English Learner Best Practices
During the “Think, Pair, Share” strategy, teachers provide a discussion topic and allow students to work in pairs, either randomly or intentionally selected, in formulating an answer or response. After allowing students to work collaboratively, the teacher then allow students to share their responses with the larger group. 
This strategy is effective for ELs in that it:
  • Allows ELs to practice with language in a way that may be less stressful than formulating an answer on their own and answering in front of the entire class.
  • Allows the teacher to deliberately pair ELs with other students who may best assist in completing the activity. 
  • Requires all students to actively participate and limits the potential of a passive classroom experience for ELs. 
  • Allows the teacher to monitor the conversations and answers to better gauge what potential language deficits still need to be addressed. 
“Circle Time” is also an effective strategy for engaging ELs. This strategy tends to be easier to manage with older students and may require some additional planning when working with the younger ones. 
The strategy works like this:
The students are divided into two equal groups (if there is an odd number the teacher can join one of the groups or have one student take the role of note taker / timekeeper / observer of the activity). The first group forms a circle facing outward, the second group then forms a circle around the first, facing inwards (see picture above). Everyone should now be facing a partner. The teacher begins by posing a question allowing the students to speak with their partner for a pre-set time. At the end of the allotted time, every student takes one step to the left or right and the process begins again. The teacher can go as many rounds as appropriate for the material and the needs of the students. 
Variations on this strategy:
  • Teachers can use a new question every turn to cover additional material. 
  • Teachers can also provide a guide sheet or structured outline to accompany the activity, if appropriate.
This strategy work well for ELs for the following reasons:
  • ELs work with the language with a variety of peers. 
  • Requires all students to actively participate and limits the potential of a passive classroom experience for ELs.
Often teachers primarily rely on “sage on the stage” teaching strategies. In situations like this, participation and engagement are based primarily on a student’s willingness and ability to answer a question posed by the teacher. This type of teaching strategy becomes less effective if students lack these skills. With EL students, often both are missing. Implementing strategies that encourage active use of the language in either discreet or multiple domains, and limit passive classroom experiences, creates a learning environment significantly more effective in moving your EL students toward proficiency.
For more information, contact:

Dan Ruhl, Title III Program Manager

To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
  • Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
  • Every child reads accurately
  • Every child reads something they understand.
  • Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
  • Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
  • Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2017- 2018
  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level, and know their current F & P level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade
          6th Grade
OKCPS Math Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade

Melissa Brett | Principal
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)

Friday, February 16, 2018

February 19 Rise N Shine Barnett

Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

Author of the Month:  Maya Angelou
Word of the Month: Brave  Rise N Shine:  Ms. Barnett

Do you struggle with getting students to participate in group discussions?  "Roll the Dice for Participation" strategy by Teaching Channel.  What are some ways you ensure equitable participation in your classrooms? Please respond on Padlet, password coolidge2018 
Click on the links below to see additional participation strategies:

Week At A Glance:

  • Monday, Feb 19:  New Teacher Meeting in the library after school.
  • Tuesday, Feb 20: If you are not meeting for Benchmark Literacy Training your PLC will be in the classroom of your Team Lead.  Please be sure you have your notes on the Google Drive - Agendas - PLC - and your grade level.  Faculty meeting after school in library.
  • Wednesday, Feb 21:  Regular Day.  Remember unannounced Informal Observations continue.  Collaborated observations - MUST be completed within 5 days.  If you wish to collaborate please be sure it is within that window.  Standards Based Lesson Planning with Learning Targets IS part of this process.
  • Thursday, Feb 22:  Mandatory State Testing Training, A.M.  Brett and Huggins out.  Rapp Teacher in Charge.
  • Friday, Feb 23:  Filming of Teacher of Year for OKCPS, 9:30 a.m. 

Benchmark Literacy:  Begin Unit 7.  You have 3 weeks to complete the unit.  Unit 7 assessment will end on March 9th.  Please be sure your students have completed the assessment prior to leaving for Spring Break.

Benchmark Literacy Training
                Padlet for notes:

Feb. 19
9:00 - 10:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading Lesson and Small Group Instruction - Connected Learning Resources
Kindergarten - Lesson taught in Leeson or O'Shields classroom.
10:30 - 11:30 - Debrief and Questions PLC
11:30 - 12:45 - Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 Kimberli Kern 
Reading Lesson and Small Group Instruction - Connected Learning Resources
3rd Grade - Harris Classroom
2:30 - 3:10  Debrief and Questions PLC
Feb. 20
9:00 - 10:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading Lesson and Small Group Instruction - Connected Learning Resources
1st Grade - Lesson taught in Keys or Reinhardt Room
10:30 - 11:30 Debrief and Questions PLC
11:30-12:45 LUNCH
1:00 - 2:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading Lesson and Small Group Instruction - Connected Learning Resources
4th Grade Classroom Harden or Kappel
2:30 - 3:10 Kimberli Kern
Debrief and Questions PLC
Feb. 21
9:00 - 10:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading Lesson and Small Group Instruction - Connected Learning Resources
2nd Grade Classroom Wendling or Gill
10:30 - 11:30 Kimberli Kern
Debrief and Questions PLC
11:30 - 12:45 LUNCH
1:00 - 2:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading Lesson and Small Group Instruction - Connected Learning Resources
5th Grade - Rapp
2:30 - 3:10 Kimberli Kern
Debrief and Questions  PLC
Feb. 22
9:00 - 10:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading Mini Lesson + Writing
3rd Grade - Harris or Clements
10:30 - 11:30 Kimberli Kern
Debrief and Questions  PLC
11:30 - 12:45 LUNCH
1:00 - 2:30  Kimberli Kern
Reading Mini Lesson + Writing
4th Grade Classroom - Harden or Kappel
2:30 - 3:10 Kimberli Kern
Debrief and Questions PLC
Feb. 23
9:00 - 10:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading Mini Lesson + Writing
5th Rapp
10:30 - 11:30 Kimberli Kern
Debrief and Questions PLC
11:30 - 12:45 LUNCH
1:00 - 2:30 Kimberli Kern
Reading mini lesson + writing
2nd Grade - Hall or Gill Classroom
2:30 - 3:10 Kimberli Kern
Debrief and Questions PLC

Working With Students with Trauma - Follow-Up

February 2018

The Invisible Suitcase

By Kristin Atchley
How often have you sat at your desk, staring at a wall, wondering how you possibly can help a student? While each of us has moments of accomplishments and let-downs, our hope is to reach every student. A growing conversation happening among educators is the question, “How do I help a kid who has experienced trauma?” Now, those may not have been the exact words that have flowed from your mouth, but the idea remains the same. Students experience trauma over their lifetime and come to school with their invisible suitcase full of complications and pain. How is one supposed to help unpack those heavy invisible suitcases and teach and educate a student of trauma?

Most educators, counselors and administrators have had their share of difficult experiences with students. Maybe a student was labeled a bad kid. The continued melt-downs, outbursts or shut-downs overwhelmed your day or classroom. The student might have been categorized as angry. Often, the lack of respect for other students or faculty created frustration within you. Whatever the case, there is a desperate need to reorganize our educational discussion to ask the question, “What has happened to this student?” instead of asking “What is wrong with this kid?”

Understanding the challenges of unpacking the invisible suitcase and creating a trauma-informed classroom or school is the first place to begin. Often, professionals want a guide that includes specific interventions, techniques or appealing phrases. However, the process of being trauma informed is more about a perspective shift. The unseen change within the professional is one important aspect of the process. There is great significance in the majority of staff understanding the impact of trauma on the student and striving to create safety for all students, including physical, emotional, social and academic safety. Schools also should address the whole student and recognize the different levels of needs. Students must feel support and appreciation based on their unique differences. With these points in mind, the educator must become aware of how trauma influences the student’s brain and the ability to learn. Focus should be less on the details of the trauma and more on how the trauma has shaped the person. As the paradigm shift occurs, the educator is able to respond in a more appropriate way for a student who has experienced trauma.

Here are a few examples of this perspective shift:
Old way
·         He’s so defiant.
·         She is choosing this behavior.
·         What’s wrong with him?
·         I don’t need to call home; they won’t help.
·         I won’t tolerate disrespect.
New way
·         He is lacking social skills.
·         She is reacting with survival skills.
·         What happened to him?
·         Calling home may help give more insight.
·         How can I help them learn respect?
As educators embark on the journey of becoming trauma informed, we need a great deal of information and support. For more information about becoming trauma informed, you can visit the OSDE Counseling website or request training. Here are some excellent resources for becoming trauma informed.
Kristin Atchley, LMFT, is executive director of counseling with the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
  • Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
  • Every child reads accurately
  • Every child reads something they understand.
  • Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
  • Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
  • Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2017- 2018
  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level, and know their current F & P level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade
          6th Grade
OKCPS Math Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade

Melissa Brett | Principal
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 12 Rise N Shine Ms. Anderson

Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

Author of the Month:  Maya Angelou
Word of the Month: Brave  Rise N Shine:  Ms. Anderson
Jami Keys
Top 9 Finalist Teacher of The Year 2017-2018

  • Mon. Feb. 12 - Professional Development
  • Tues. Feb. 13 - Instructional Rounds during PLC's.  Julie Hibbs to meet with PreK.  No faculty meeting - Election Day.
  • Wed. Feb. 14 - Valentine's Parties 2:30 p.m., 5th grade will have specials at 8:20 a.m.  Leadership Meeting 3:30 in library.
  • Thurs. Feb. 15 - Brett out - Principal meeting.  EMSA here for PreK. Tutoring after school.
  • Fri. Feb. 16 - Fire Dept. PreK, Online Testing PD Brett A.M., Huggins, P.M.

Marzano Informal Observations continue.  Remember there is a 5 day rule for collaboration.  If you don't collaborate the observation will be completed without your input.  

Engagement Strategies

Combine Reading, Math, Research in February

By OSDE’s Office of Curriculum & Instruction
henryWhat better way to start Black History Month than sharing a fantastic book with your students? “Henry’s Freedom Box” is listed as one of the “10 Picture Books to Read in the Middle School Classroom,” but don’t let that stop you from sharing this book in the upper elementary grades. 
This Caldecott Honor book tells of the gut-wrenching struggles faced by slaves and the harrowing trials they were willing to endure for freedom. It is based upon one of the most famous runaways, Henry “Box” Brown, and his escape to freedom through the Underground Railroad. The illustrations are captivating and the story riveting.
Try collaborating with your school librarians to incorporate research standards. Students can dive into multiple-meaning words, compare and contrast works of literature, research the Underground Railroad and pull it all together with a writing activity.
The author, Ellen Levine, also wrote a nonfiction book. “If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad” gives more insight into the dangers slaves faced trying to escape. The chart below lists standards that could be used to meet the activities presented above. 
A powerful read-aloud pulls at the heart of a listener and leaves her with more questions than when the book started. “Henry’s Freedom Box” begs the question, “Can this really happen?” The answer lies squarely in the middle-school math standards. 
boxThe key is to allow students to generate the questions and the answers.
  • How big must a box be to put a man inside?
  • If you make one side of the box a certain size, what does that do to the other sides?
  • At what weight is a box too heavy to be turned over three times?     
For a list of 10 great picture books for your middle school classroom, click here.

To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
  • Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
  • Every child reads accurately
  • Every child reads something they understand.
  • Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
  • Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
  • Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2017- 2018
  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level, and know their current F & P level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade
          6th Grade
OKCPS Math Standards
          1st Grade
          2nd Grade
          3rd Grade
          4th Grade
          5th Grade

Melissa Brett | Principal
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)