Our Mission: “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”
Awesome Year Challenge
Author of the Month: Kevin Henkes
Word of the Month: Reliable Rise N Shine: Ms. Pearson
"Whenever I'm writing a book, small details from my life always creep in." Kevin Henkes.
Monday, Aug 7: Day 5 Benchmark Literacy Turn and Talk 3:30 Technology Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Aug 8: Day 6: Benchmark Literacy Sharing, When and How Open House, 6:00 p.m. PLC Meetings - Green Folders, District Assessments/MasteryConnect
Wednesday Aug 9: Day 7 Benchmark Literacy Sharing: Responses and Questions Regular Day
Thursday Aug 10: Day 8 Benchmark Literacy Just Right Books, Fire Drill 9:00 a.m., Kona Ice during Lunch, (PTA sponsored) Benchmark Literacy3rd -6th, 3:30 - 5:00 (paid p.d.) Library. 1st Grade District Wide Meeting with Pam Hibbs.
Friday, Aug 11: Day 9 Benchmark Literacy Taking Care of Books, Regular Day
MyOn Reading during the Summer
Congrats to Heronville, Stand Watie, Prairie Queen, Fillmore, Coolidge & Pierce for having the most MyOn hours read over the summer!
Shout Out To Ms. Peake. She turned in her students Summer Reading Log EARLY! I have to send the info downtown. Please send me updated chart by Monday afternoon, or you can scan this code and go to the Google drive and add the information yourself.
You must be logged into the OKCPS Google Drive to access this file. I cannot give you access to the OKCPS Google Drive from an account that is not linked to the district email.
What Does An Anchor Chart Look Like? Below are some examples.... there are many ways to create Anchor Charts.

August Birthdays: Mr. Natarajan, Aug 4, Ms. Lazos, Aug 13, Ms. Opheim, Aug 18, Ms. Tucker, Aug 21, Ms. Werito, Aug 26.
Donors Choose is now allowing teachers to post different types of projects in addition to regular classroom projects. Here’s what teachers are now allowed to post for:
Classrooms supplies and materials (same as before)
Professional development expenses (if a teacher wants to attend a conference, they can ask to have their trip funded)
Critical needs for students (clothing, food, hats, gloves, toiletries, etc)
Student-led projects (OKCPS currently has one student-led project posted)
The Foundation is doing a kick-start campaign to help fund teacher projects, so now is a great time to submit a project request for anything they need.
In the comments section answer the following questions after watching both video's: What if we made it our resolution to make this year awesome for somebody else and ourselves? How would that make this year better for you and for the students and adults you work with? How can you help make it happen?
To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
- Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
- Every child reads accurately
- Every child reads something they understand.
- Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
- Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
- Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2017- 2018
- All Students WILL achieve academically.
- Reading: Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level, and know their current F & P level.
- Math: Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.
- Writing: Increase writing proficiency by 15%
- Student Attendance: Increase student attendance to 98%.
- Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
OKCPS Math Standards
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)
Our Mission: “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”
Awesome Year Challenge
Author of the Month: Kevin Henkes
Word of the Month: Reliable Rise N Shine: Ms. Pearson
"Whenever I'm writing a book, small details from my life always creep in." Kevin Henkes.
Monday, Aug 7: Day 5 Benchmark Literacy Turn and Talk 3:30 Technology Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Aug 8: Day 6: Benchmark Literacy Sharing, When and How Open House, 6:00 p.m. PLC Meetings - Green Folders, District Assessments/MasteryConnect
Wednesday Aug 9: Day 7 Benchmark Literacy Sharing: Responses and Questions Regular Day
Wednesday Aug 9: Day 7 Benchmark Literacy Sharing: Responses and Questions Regular Day
Thursday Aug 10: Day 8 Benchmark Literacy Just Right Books, Fire Drill 9:00 a.m., Kona Ice during Lunch, (PTA sponsored) Benchmark Literacy3rd -6th, 3:30 - 5:00 (paid p.d.) Library. 1st Grade District Wide Meeting with Pam Hibbs.
Friday, Aug 11: Day 9 Benchmark Literacy Taking Care of Books, Regular Day
MyOn Reading during the Summer
Congrats to Heronville, Stand Watie, Prairie Queen, Fillmore, Coolidge & Pierce for having the most MyOn hours read over the summer!
Shout Out To Ms. Peake. She turned in her students Summer Reading Log EARLY! I have to send the info downtown. Please send me updated chart by Monday afternoon, or you can scan this code and go to the Google drive and add the information yourself.
Congrats to Heronville, Stand Watie, Prairie Queen, Fillmore, Coolidge & Pierce for having the most MyOn hours read over the summer!
Shout Out To Ms. Peake. She turned in her students Summer Reading Log EARLY! I have to send the info downtown. Please send me updated chart by Monday afternoon, or you can scan this code and go to the Google drive and add the information yourself.
You must be logged into the OKCPS Google Drive to access this file. I cannot give you access to the OKCPS Google Drive from an account that is not linked to the district email.
What Does An Anchor Chart Look Like? Below are some examples.... there are many ways to create Anchor Charts.

August Birthdays: Mr. Natarajan, Aug 4, Ms. Lazos, Aug 13, Ms. Opheim, Aug 18, Ms. Tucker, Aug 21, Ms. Werito, Aug 26.
Donors Choose is now allowing teachers to post different types of projects in addition to regular classroom projects. Here’s what teachers are now allowed to post for:
Classrooms supplies and materials (same as before)
Professional development expenses (if a teacher wants to attend a conference, they can ask to have their trip funded)
Critical needs for students (clothing, food, hats, gloves, toiletries, etc)
Student-led projects (OKCPS currently has one student-led project posted)
The Foundation is doing a kick-start campaign to help fund teacher projects, so now is a great time to submit a project request for anything they need.
To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
- Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
- Every child reads accurately
- Every child reads something they understand.
- Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
- Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
- Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2017- 2018
- All Students WILL achieve academically.
- Reading: Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level, and know their current F & P level.
- Math: Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.
- Writing: Increase writing proficiency by 15%
- Student Attendance: Increase student attendance to 98%.
- Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
OKCPS Math Standards
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)
Our future matters, and the future of our children matter. To make this an awesome year we must work together.
ReplyDeleteMy goal to help make this year more awesome is to be more observant and recognize more often when a helping hand is needed. Try to be kind even when I am having a rough moment or day, because we all have them!
ReplyDeleteI want to build relationships with not just my own students, but others in the building as well. As always, I am available to help in any way I can.
ReplyDeleteGenerally speaking, when someone (student or teacher) is having a good year, they are pleasant to be around. They aren't causing havoc in their classroom or in the halls. When people are having a good year, they aren't getting "a talk" from administration. Parents are happy. I've already started trying to make this the best year yet by 1. drilling the procedures, 2. trying out token economy, 3. praising students for even the little things, 4. being less of a hermit in my classroom and sharing more time with my team.
ReplyDeleteMy goal this year is to create an environment that makes learning fun for my students. I would love to see my students excited to come to class to learn new skills.
ReplyDeleteMy goal for this year is help students and teachers. Always during the entire year we find a student that need help, with any subject or any problem. The same for teachers I can help with anything they need translation, phone calls. I always will be available for anyone that want or need my help.
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to not only build strong relationships with my students, but with my peers as well. I believe you can't fully succeed without the support of others around you. I never want to be an island :)
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to be more organized so that I can be more available to better help students and other staff members.
ReplyDeleteMy goals is to have a classroom where we can have fun, do projects, and learn. I want students to be excited about our science experiments and our social studies research. Being new I'm not sure how much I can help teachers, but I can help students when I see a need arise.
ReplyDeleteTo be awesome for myself and for others, I plan to let go of those stressors I can't control. When I let those things go, I can be less judgmental with myself (for not being able to meet all the demands perfectly) and be able to be freer in encouraging others and building stronger relationships.
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to make myself more organized which will give me more time with my students for learning. I plan to incorporate more hands-on activities to help with their engagement in the curriculum and make them excited to come to school.
ReplyDeleteMy main goal this year is organization. Not just in my classroom but also with the things like F&P,grading, etc. My other goal is better parent communication; especially the positive phone calls:)
ReplyDeleteI want to be a great role model for my new co-teacher and other new teachers in our building. I want to be encouraging and helpful to everyone in our building. I want to build a great classroom cohesion through movement in the PE that will carry over into the classroom. I also want to bring more kinesthetic equipment into the classrooms.
ReplyDeleteI want to start not only my day but my students day off with something positive, whether that be a comment, a hug or reinforcement. My hope is that starting the day off on a good note will help to make the rest of the day a good one.
ReplyDeleteOne of my goals this year is to continue working on my positivity and having an overall positive attitude. Another thing I'm working on is not being so hard on myself and extending grace to others and myself.
ReplyDeleteA goal for me is not to overextend myself. Understanding that NO is a complete sentence. At the same time, receiving help whenever needed. Keeping this in mind will allow me to be more effective and efficient in my teaching.
ReplyDeleteI think one way to make this year awesome for someone else and myself is to have high expectations. High expectations for the students, my co-workers, and for the things I do. Having high expectations can grow leadership in everyone.
ReplyDeleteTo make this year awesome for ourselves, we should do our best to accommodate, facilitate and help people around us. It is impossible to have awesome time if people around are struggling.
ReplyDeleteTo make this year awesome I hope to I hope to deepen our sense of community by letting those around me , staff and students, know how much I appreciate them, their talents, their efforts, their caring.
ReplyDeleteMy focus to make this the best year yet is to involve my kids in collecting data each week as they work toward mastering their IEP goals. And as we all know, I will forever be working on positivity! I want to avoid gossip and drama while still supporting coworkers as best as I can - from small gestures to tangibles.
ReplyDeleteI would like for myself and my class to recognize and celebrate each students personal goals. I also want to show my students how we can encourage each other to work hard for our goals. I will do my best to keep my eyes and ears open to recognize and acknowledge the accomplishments of my coworkers as well.