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Friday, May 17, 2019

May 20 - 24

Opportunity Statement:   Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources.  We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”

Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and social growth.”

Happy Last Week of School with our Children! It is bitter sweet - because I miss them and the great Coolidge Team during the much needed break.

Monday, May 20th: PLC meetings for PreK - 3rd to split classes for next year & Green Folders check. Review of required items for End of Year Checkout. Honor Choir to sing at nursing homes.
Tuesday, May 21st: PLC meetings for 4th, 5th, and 6th grades - end of year Green Folders check and review of required items for End of Year Checkout. Dr. Seuss musical - 2 performances. 1:00 PK - 2nd Grade, 2:00 3rd - 6th Grade. McNeill Wedding Shower 3:30 p.m. Grades must be posted by 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 22nd: Talent Shows. 12:00 PK - 2nd, 1:45 3rd - 6th Grade. Report Cards Printed
Thursday, May 23rd: Field Day during specified scheduled time.
Friday, May 24th: Last Day of School. Awards during your specials time. Report cards distributed.
Monday, May 27th: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 28th: Record Day and Teacher Checkout. Fabian will be here at 9:00 a.m to help move classrooms. Everything must be ready to go for him to move your things. 3:30 End of Year Celebration for Staff and Faculty, Further info coming soon.
June 3rd: Marzano Training All Day for Brett and Huggins.
June 4th: Huggins Last Day.
June 11th: Brett Last Day.
July 15th: Principal's Report
July 31st: Teacher PD
August 1 - 2: District Wide PD for new math curriculum, PreK curriculum, and maybe other things...... Should be email updates.
August 6 - 7: Teacher PD
August 8 - 9: Teacher Work Day
August 12: First Day of School for the 2019-2020 school year.

Where do I find?.........


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days 
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days

OKCPS ELA Standards by Grade Level
OKCPS and OAS Crosswalk

6th Grade Bundles

OKCPS Math  by Grade Level
OKCPS-OAS Crosswalks
OKCPS Standards by Bundles
Pre-Kindergarten  Bundles
Kindergarten  Bundles

Elementary ELA Year- at- a- Glance

Friday, May 10, 2019

May 13 - 17 3rd Grade Jackson, Clements, McNeill, Harris

Opportunity Statement:   Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources.  We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”

Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and social growth.”

  • Monday - Coach Barton _ Shape America Banner Rise N ShineTalent Show Auditions, Roosevelt & SE Middle here to meet with 6th for electives. Board Meeting,
  • Tuesday - PLC Meetings to review F & P data. Be prepared to answer the questions below based on your data. Faculty Meeting
  • Wednesday - Talent Show Auditions
  • Thursday - Brett Out Principal Meeting. 3rd White Water, 3rd & 4th Picnic.
  • Friday - 4th Grade Wax Museum.
Teacher Appreciation Video - Coolidge Elementary. Thank you Ms. Jackson for putting this together.

PLC Meeting Questions: I will expect specific not general answers.

1.    How did your attendance affect student growth (positive or negative)?

2.    What went well in your classroom this year?

3.    Why did it go well?

4.    What would you like to improve in your classroom next year?

5.    What are your plans to make that improvement happen?  List 3 specific things you will do to help make that change occur. 

6.    Select 3 students from your roster.  Name two things you did that had a positive impact on that student. 

Where do I find?.........


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days 
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days

OKCPS ELA Standards by Grade Level
OKCPS and OAS Crosswalk

6th Grade Bundles

OKCPS Math  by Grade Level
OKCPS-OAS Crosswalks
OKCPS Standards by Bundles
Pre-Kindergarten  Bundles
Kindergarten  Bundles

Elementary ELA Year- at- a- Glance