Our Mission: “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and social growth.”
Our Mission: “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and social growth.”
Attaining Learning Outcomes = Higher Achievement
- Monday April 17th - Make Up Tests/Small Group Testing
- Tuesday April 18th - 5th Grade Writing Test
- Wednesday April 19th - Make Up Tests/Small Group Testing
- Thursday April 20th: Brett out - principal meeting
- Friday April 21st: Return all testing material
Thank you to everyone for pulling together this testing session. I especially appreciate those of you who DIDN'T MISS A DAY during testing. With a big building it takes everyone being flexible and working together. Thank you BUDDY TEACHERS for having extra big kid friends in your classroom. Thank you ASSISTANTS for pulling together and monitoring and pulling extra duties during testing. Thank you TESTING TEACHERS for working with all our friends to be sure they were comfortable and ready to put forth their best effort during testing. Thank you OFFICE STAFF for your flexibility and problem solving and helping with our friends that had some extra challenges. Thank you STUDENTS for being quiet in the hallways, accepting extra friends in your classrooms, and giving your best effort on the state tests. We have one more week of testing - Make-up testing groups will continue Monday, 5th grade writing test on Tuesday, and additional make up tests Tuesday - Friday.
A View From The Edge
News and Notes from Oklahoma Educator Rob Miller
Hugging A Porcupine
He is ours.

He was ours in fifth grade when his parents divorced and when he witnessed his 54-year-old grandmother die after an excruciating battle with cancer. We were there when his dad remarried and moved to California, the last time he’s seen his father. He was ours when his mother lost another job after showing up drunk at work. He was ours when the home he’d lived in all his life went through foreclosure and when his mother and he moved into a local shelter. He was ours when he started stealing and tormenting smaller kids at the bus stop. He was 11.
He was ours when we had to reassure the other children in his seventh-grade class they were safe, despite his nearly constant threats.

He was ours when he got suspended for fighting, for chronic disruptive behavior, for cussing out a teacher, for breaking a computer. He was ours when we couldn’t find his mom to pick him up on the day he said he was going to hurt himself after “taking out a few others.” When he told his counselor he wished he’d never been born.
He was ours when the police handcuffed him and delivered him to the local adolescent care center. He was 15.
He was ours six months later when his mom died of an overdose in the back seat of a drug dealer’s car. He was ours when he returned to school as a hollow shell of his previous self, nearly catatonic from his prescribed regimen of daily depression medications.
He was ours when a caring teacher decided to take a chance and bring him into her family’s home. When the color came back to his eyes. He was ours when he won the grand prize in the Philbrook Museum’s Young Artist contest. He was ours when he found a counselor he trusted, who took the time to listen and who was patient enough to peel through the many layers of anger and angst surrounding his soul to discover the sad, insecure, yet lovable boy inside.

He will be ours when he walks across the stage next month at graduation. When he hugs his adoptive mom and dad and says, “I love you. Thank you for saving my life.” He will be ours when he leaves our school in May to become the best version of what he can be.
This child is ours. He is smart and bright and kind and troubled and hurt and angry. For 13 years, he has struggled mightily to overcome trauma, despair, learning challenges, and a self-defeating mentality. He wrestled for most of his young life to keep himself balanced, to calm his inner demons, to make friends, to trust adults, to show compassion, to love himself, and to learn with any consistency.
To simply be a kid.
You see, he was always ours. He belongs to us as much as the star quarterback, the future Ivy League scholar, the homecoming queen, and the valedictorian. For much of his schooling, he was tough to love. We didn’t want to own him.
If you have been in education very long, especially in a larger district, you have met “him” or “her,” likely more than once. These children frustrate us, make us angry, and cause us to cry. They cause us to question our effectiveness as educators and the meaning and value of our work.
It hurts to get close to children like “him.” It’s like hugging a porcupine. But they are ours, and hugging porcupines is occasionally the most important part of our job.
A core belief I hold tightly is this: When children are in our schools, they are our kids. All. Of. Them. If a kid walks through the doors of our public school, we should see them, listen to them, push them, care for them, support and believe in them as if they are our own.
When we help these children survive and thrive – academically, socially, and emotionally – we are reminded of the beliefs and passion that power our work as educators. All kids can learn. We know how to teach them. Together, we have what it takes.
All the kids at our schools are “ours.” For some, we have but a brief opportunity to do the one thing – the RIGHT thing – to change the course of their life in a positive way. What an awesome privilege and frightening burden that is.
This much is certain. This boy is ours.
And when you take the chance to hug a porcupine like him, the reward will be yours.
To Develop Every Child Into a Reader:
- Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
- Every child reads accurately
- Every child reads something they understand.
- Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
- Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
- Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2016-2017
- All Students WILL achieve academically.
- Reading: Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level.
- Math: Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.
- Writing: Increase writing proficiency by 15%
- Student Attendance: Increase student attendance to 98%.
- Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
OKCPS Math Standards
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)
Hugging a Porcupine... How do we show our kids that we love them and care for them..... even when they are not making the best choices? By being there for them the next day and allowing them the opportunity to start each day fresh - just like we would like to be allowed to start each day fresh.
ReplyDeleteI hug a porcupine by allowing friends from other classes to come into the gym when they need a break. By not yelling at them, just letting them take a no stressful break. I have several student who need that time and it helps there teachers as well.
ReplyDeletePorcupines are my specialty. What works for me is having a sense of humor, treating students with respect, never taking anything personally , and knowing it's not entirely their fault. We're serving high-poverty students and many of their lives suck. We must give them structure and love and show them that we care.
ReplyDeleteEn loco parentis has taken on a whole new meaning for me over the years at Coolidge. Sometimes it's hard trying to teach those all important life lessons while remembering these are only eight to ten year-olds and not tiny adults. Frequency, intensity, duration, and consistency is what I attempt, sometimes successfully sometimes not.
ReplyDeleteI hug our precious porcupines by being consistent with them, by being both positively encouraging and providing disciplinary boundaries. I work at showing I like those who are hard to like. I also hug our precious porcupines by being real--laughing, making mistakes and apologizing, and sharing a bit of me.
ReplyDeleteMy porcupines I hug need the hugs. They need the reassurance they are accepted as they are and that we are a team. I think I show this best when (most of the time) I am the calm in the middle of their little storms. I am empathetic with what they are experiencing and help them work through whatever is going on from someone cutting in line, baiting for a power struggle, missing mom or dad, to just simply just not getting what they want at that moment. Our kids do the best they can with the tools they have and its our duty (I believe) to equip them with the tools to navigate not only through their days but the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeletethis is Scott/Strawn!
DeleteI hug every porcupine differently because they are each unique. I hug a special porcupine by giving him a chance to return what he steals and seeing him make progress. I've hugged a porcupine by letting him into my home...and getting him back into treatment when he couldn't make the choice for himself. I'm hugging porcupines by showing I care so much about them that I am moving into their neighborhood in order to better understand their lives. I was the only porcupine in a family of perfectly white soft bunnies - and I've had people "hug" me. How can I not keep loving my fellow "unloveables"?
ReplyDeleteI hug porcupines by letting them vent about their problems and helping them work through their problems in a productive way. There are still many porcupines to reach in 5th grade, but the one's I've reached have made great strides in not becoming physically violent when they are angry.
ReplyDeleteI take a couple minutes everyday to just talk. I reward the small accomplishments like bringing materials or assignments to school everyday.
ReplyDeleteI hug my little porcupines differently every minute of the day. I strive to set up an environment where they can all be successful and get the things they need throughout the day.
ReplyDeleteI have relationships with some of our smaller porcupines! They know that I am a safe place to visit when they are struggling! It is nice to have those relationships even though I am out of the classroom now.
ReplyDeleteI try to talk to them and get to know them better. Some of the kids have unbelievable stories to share.
ReplyDeleteI literally hug the porcupines, especially the ones who don't always "act" like they want a hug. But they know that I know that they really do. Some of the pokiest porcupines find refuge in the library, because it's a bit of a decompression zone, and I am a fresh face from whatever difficulties they have had throughout the day. I try to build those relationships and give them a safe place to visit.
ReplyDeleteI hug my porcupines by showing them how much I care. They know that they can tell me anything, and that I will always provide them with a safe place and a listening ear. My porcupines from past years still come and visit me when they need a break or time to chat.
ReplyDeleteI always position myself at my porcupine's eye level. I remain calm and listen. Most of the time, my porcupines are angry for reasons they don't fully understand. Anger is a secondary emotion to fear or sadness, so it is imperative that my prickly little friends feel safe and loved.
ReplyDeleteI *try* to remain calm and patient with my porcupines- even when I don't feel either. Even when I feel like I've had the same conversation with the same kid, over and over. Even when they are being disrespectful, or angry, or dishonest. I try to remember that my job is to model for the porcupine- how to handle yourself in challenging situations and be empathetic. I try to get to know the porcupines and their interests, so that when a situation calls for more difficult conversations, the student will be more likely to listen to what I have to say. And above all, I try to make sure my porcupines know I like them and I want what's best for them.
ReplyDeleteI hug porcupines by modeling unconditional acceptance. No matter how they act, what they say, look, smell, dress, etc., porcupines need to know that they have someone who's going to be there for them. I also follow the porcupines lead, whether that's talking, creating, building, coloring, etc. Porcupines like to know that their voice and choices matter.
ReplyDeleteI hug my little porcupines by “forgetting” their track record and giving them an opportunity to start over fresh each day, and try to convey to them the understanding that I recognize them as unique creations of great value. They are, however, treated just like the other students, same expectations,same rules apply to all. “Discipline without love is ineffective. Love without discipline is abuse.” –Dr. Ray Guarendi. Also, I pray for them and for their families.