Opportunity Statement: Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources. We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”
Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission: “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”
Jan 6 - Welcome Back! PLC Kinder, 1st Grade.
Jan 7 - PLC Meeting 4th, PreK, Specials, Group 2 ELA Training - Harden, Navarro, Dye, Fast. 1 Hour Faculty Meeting
As we begin the 3rd quarter it is the expectation that 2nd - 4th-grade track these standards using Mastery Connect. We will be breaking down standards and reviewing target task alignments during our PLC meetings.
I appreciate how hard everyone is working to ensure that our students receive the best education possible. Working with the dedicated teachers and staff makes my job so much easier.
Rise N Shine - January
Jan 6
Jan 13
Jan 20
Jan 27
L. Watford
January 12 - Cappellero, Keys
January 13 - Layman, L. Watford
January 22 - Clements
January 24 - D, Harris
January 29 - Rey
January 31 - Boykin, Caldwell
Opportunity Statement: Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources. We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”
Our Mission:Coolidge Vision “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”
Twas the Week Before Christmas Break and all through the schools.....
Mon. Dec. 16 - Mother Earth Program Gym for 2nd - 4th grade 9:00 -10:00 a.m.
Tues. Dec. 17 - Santa classroom visits 9:00 a.m. PreK Program in the gym during Specials 11;40 a.m. PreK - 1st Gym 1:00 - 1:30, 2nd - 3rd 1:45 - 2:15 in gym.
Thurs. Dec. 19 - Multiplication Sundae Party for 3rd and 4th Grades Cafeteria 2:00
Fri. Dec. 20 - Holiday Parties 2:30
3rd & 4th Grade: MOY Benchmark Exams:
3rd and 4th grade will be taking MOY benchmark exams this week in ELA and Math. These exams are 50 question tests similar to what they will be taking on the State Assessments. Please encourage students to do their best and show what they know on these tests.
Monday the Mother Earth Program is for 2nd to 4th grade. 4th grade will have specials at their regular time and the 4th grade teachers will come join in the gym at 9:15. 3rd grade will have regular specials. Coach Rehenak will take 1 PE class and 1 PE class will go to the library while 4th grade completes the project with the Mother Earth Program.
Tuesday we have a Santa who will visit classrooms starting at 9:00 a.m. PreK has their program in the gym at 11:40 during their specials time. PreK - 1st will leave 1 shoe in the hallway on their way to the gym at 12:45. We will read a MyOn book together. While we are reading the book "elves" will bring them a Candy Cane in their shoe. 1:45 2nd and third will do the same leaving a shoe in the hall, reading a book, and coming back to a candy cane in their shoe. 4th Grade will be our "elves" for the day as a Random Act of Kindness.
Wednesday is our Honor Choir shoes.
Thursday 2:00 the 3rd and 4th grade will have their multiplication sundae parties. The sundae's will be based on what facts tests they have passed.
Friday is our last day before Winter Break. We will be having holiday parties starting at 2:30 p.m. Please be sure you complete the Winter break checklist and have it taped to your door before you leave for break.
3rd Quarter Standards to be taught. We will be having a 3rd Benchmark Assessment that will cover all the state department standards that are tested in the 3rd quarter for 3rd and 4th grade (possibly 2nd as well). Please be sure you are focusing on the standards as you plan for the upcoming quarter. Be sure you have your standard you are working on posted (large) as well as the skills necessary to meet that standard.
IStation Data - Reading and Math. We are making improvements on our IStation Data, but we still have a long way to go. The goal is to have a 7% increase in proficient students on our MOY assessments and on the State Assessments. To do that we must teach to the level of the standards and make sure what we have target/task alignment on all assignments. This is hard work, but it is important work. All of our students can make growth, it is our job to teach them - all of them. Our growth shows improvement - but still have a long way to gol
Reading: Coolidge Students in the Green - Comparison September to December
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Math - Coolidge Students in the "Green" Comparision September to December
My family enjoys Disney movies, and one of our favorites is Toy Story. So, as you can imagine, when Toy Story 4 came out, we went together to see the latest adventures of Woody, Jessie, and Buzz. As the credits rolled at the end, we were quick to share our thoughts about the fourth movie in this animated series.
Two of us thought it was the best Toy Story yet, and two of us were not as impressed. We talked about the characters, plot, and ending, and I remember thinking at one point during our conversation how interesting it was that even though the four of us have the same common interest in this series, we each took away something different. Of course, the movie’s main idea and outcome were the same for all of us, but the scenes we connected to and our reflections on those scenes were very different—four people, four different viewpoints.
This is true across the board when it comes to movies, TV shows, podcasts, books, and conversations. The prior knowledge, life experiences, and purpose we bring to a situation affect how we internalize it. Every time we watch, listen to, or read something, we bring our own perspective to it, and as a result, our takeaway is unique. We do this individually all the time, and occasionally we have the opportunity to share with others. When we come together to talk and listen, we take in new perspectives and develop a deeper understanding.
Conversation is a rich learning tool when there is a collective focus, intentional listening, and a safe space for sharing thoughts and asking questions. Because of this, we believe book studies are an extremely valuable source of professional development. When a group of educators come together to learn and share, good things happen.
That is why we would like to extend an invitation to you and your colleagues to join us in a book study of our newly released book, The CAFE Book, expanded second edition.
Beginning January 7, 2020, we will spend time each Tuesday discussing a chapter of the book. We would love for you and your colleagues to be there and share in the learning! Grab a copy of the book and sign up here. You will receive an email reminder and access link before the first session. We can’t wait to learn with you!
Opportunity Statement: Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources. We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”
Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission: “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”
Mon. Dec 9 - Bring a dozen cookies to share - Faculty Lounge. Leadership After School Kinder PLC 12:35 - 1:35, 1st 1:40 - 2:40
Tues Dec 10 - Random Acts of Kindness - do something random and kind for a coworker. Wear Green, no Faculty Meeting - Go Vote