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Friday, December 7, 2018

Dec 10 - 14 Ms. Fast Rise N Shine

Opportunity Statement:   Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources.  We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”

Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”

  • Monday, Dec 10 - Bring Socks for Sock Exchange
  • Tuesday, Dec 11 - PLC Meeting. Bring your Computer and Sample work.
  • Wednesday, Dec 12 - Sock Exchange - in the gym after school.
  • Thursday, Dec 13. Thunder Bus, 10:00 a.m.
  • Friday, Dec 14 - Wear your socks from the Sock Exchange. 1:00 - 1:30 PK - 2nd Winter Program 1:45 - 2:15 3rd - 6th Winter Program
  • 2:30 - Holiday Parties

Using the picture below, create an interesting story. Email me some of the work students created or work you created as a class. I will share the stories during Rise and Rise Wed - Friday.

Winter Break: December 17 - January 1st. January 2nd Professional Development. January 3rd Students Return.

This week we started doing our OERB lessons (they matched wonderfully with our Studies Weekly lessons). My classes built oil derricks out of straws, tape, and paper clips. 

The runner up winner had an oil derrick that held 30 grams. 
The winner had an oil derrick that held 310 grams. 

The students were super excited and wanted to share their news with you! 
Mrs. Kristina Clements

 Monday - Festive or Ugly Sweater?





Winter Reading Challenge:

Challenge dates: Winter Break 2018-2019 (including weekends)- Saturday, December 15th – Tuesday, January 2nd
Tracking minutes: Students will use the attached reading log to record the minutes they read books (not on myON). MyON minutes read by students during the break will also be counted towards their grand total, but please inform your students to not write minutes they read on myON on their reading log. You will not have to pull your students’ myON minutes – I will enter these for you.
Goal: We are challenging students to read at least 20-minutes a day, which is a total of 380 minutes over the 19-day break.
Deadlines: The deadline for students to turn in their reading logs to their teachers is Wednesday, January 3rd. Minutes must be entered by school staff on the Google form by the end of the day on January 10th (the link to the form will be sent separately).
Pizza parties- The top reading student at EVERY elementary school (who makes the goal of 380 minutes), will get a pizza party for their class. Yes, we are hosting a pizza party at EVERY school where the top reader makes their goal!!
Gift cards for school staff- The highest reading school’s Principal and Media Specialist, and top reader’s teacher will each receive a $50 gift card to the Good Egg Restaurant Group
E-readers- Each student who meets the reading goal of 380-minutes will be entered to win a Kindle e-reader! Three names will be drawn to win.

Medals- ALL students who make the reading goal will receive a ReadOKC award medal!

Books They Love

Lori Sabo
Issue #543
A second-grade boy was recently sharing his beloved Pokémon book with me, pointing to each colorfully animated character on the cover, educating me about their names, attack powers, defense strategies, and what they transform into when they evolve.
At the risk of offending some of you, I have a confession to make. After a few minutes, my head was bursting with unfamiliar names and traits, and it took every ounce of self-control not to roll my eyes and fake a heart attack. But I didn’t do that, because that wouldn’t have been loving. Side note: Are you aware that there over 700 of these little characters? I have no doubt this student knows about every one of them.
Here’s the thing. If we want kids to be lifelong readers, then we will build a love of reading by honoring and celebrating the books that hook them. We will say yes to Pokémon. We will say yes to volume after volume of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. We will say yes to the Purrmaids (half cat, half mermaid) looking for the elusive mermicorn (half unicorn, half mermaid). And for those of you who just scoffed and thought, That isn’t a real book, I’m here to tell you that not only is it a real book, but it is the fourth in the series that was recently featured at our Scholastic Book Fair.
We will say yes to all of these, because the secret to developing readers who love to read is to give them books they love reading, even if they aren’t books we love ourselves. It is that simple. And we need not fear, because if we provide them with a steady diet of books they love, they will eventually branch out, developing a taste for literature that is deeper, richer, and even more satisfying.

In the comments section - what holiday favorite book have you shared with your class this year? What book do you want to remember to share next year?

Where do I find?.........


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days 
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days

OKCPS ELA Standards by Grade Level
OKCPS and OAS Crosswalk

6th Grade Bundles

OKCPS Math  by Grade Level
OKCPS-OAS Crosswalks
OKCPS Standards by Bundles
Pre-Kindergarten  Bundles
Kindergarten  Bundles

Elementary ELA Year- at- a- Glance

Friday, November 30, 2018

Dec 3 - 7 McNeill Rise N Shine

Opportunity Statement:   Coolidge Elementary will continue to provide all students with academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities through great teaching and the utilization of our community resources.  We will maintain high expectations for all students, as well as expand our efforts to cultivate a positive school culture that encourages intellectual and social growth.”

Coolidge Vision and Mission
Our Mission:  “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision:  “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and social growth.”

A Week At A Glance.....

  • Monday, Dec. 3 - OK Health Dept. Asthma Lunch Group, F&P Testing continues
  • Tuesday, Dec. 4 - Brett out ILD Cluster Group, PLC's - Please bring an example of work for the standard you are teaching in Math, Social Studies, or Science. OK Health Dept. Asthma Lunch Group, F&P Testing continues.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 5 - Peake Out - Mandt Training, OK Health Dept. Asthma Lunch Group, F&P Testing continues. No Leadership meeting - Brett has a 3:00 Principal Meeting.
  • Thursday, Dec. 6 - Peake Out - Mandt Training, OK Health Dept. Asthma Lunch Group, F&P Testing continues.
  • Friday, Dec. 7 - Peake Out - Mandt Training, OK Health Dept. Asthma Lunch Group. F&P Testing Due. Middle of Year Writing Sample for Green Folders. Teachers Midpoint Evaluations Due. Please update your Professional Growth Plan on I-Observation. Faculty Party- Brett's House 6:00 p.m. Please bring sides or desserts.

What have our students read on MyOn since the Thanksgiving Break?  17.9K minutes and 300 minutes on weekdays after 3 p.m.  How are you tracking your students usage of MyOn?  Will your student receive the MyOn certificate for Reading this next week?
Since Thanksgiving Reak our students have read 17.9k minutes on Myon, and 300 of those minutes were read after school!  Congratulations to Edgar Sanchez-Lemus in third grade who has read 94 minutes outside of school since Thanksgiving on MyOn.  He has read 223.6 minutes on MyOn overall since Thanksgiving!

58 Certificates were earned this past week. We have a total of 533 for the school year. We have 13% of our students considered "On Target", 15% with "Some Risk" and 72% who are "High Risk". Have you delivered your Lexia Skill Builders to your students who are "at risk"? These teacher directed lessons are an excellent source of interventions.

3rd Grade Native American Studies.... Thank you Ms. Clements for attending the training so our students could participate. Thank you Ms. Werito for helping write the curriculum!

Meaningful Mornings

Gail Boushey

Issue #542

I was at Issaquah Valley Elementary School in time for a morning staff meeting that was directly on the heels of the previous evening’s open house. What a combination—tired upon tired. Standing at the door, greeting each staff member, was principal Michelle. As she welcomed each employee, she asked about open house, agreed about being tired, inquired about family members, and listened carefully to the responses, setting the stage for the meeting with the message You are welcome, you are important, you are heard.
As teachers, we can open the door each morning with the same intent, welcoming the line of faces and setting a positive focus. For some, this is the happiest door to be opened. For others walking over the threshold is the beginning of focusing and imagining a positive day to come.
As each child passes, we connect with them. You might even say we take their temperature. We watch to see if anyone’s internal thermometer is creating a defense to fight against an infection: How are they feeling right now? Are they ready to learn? We watch for patterns of behavior: this child smiles and locks eyes, the next child’s head is down and they’re shuffling their feet, this child is yelling in line, pushing their way to the front. A temperature is not an illness; it is just a symptom of the body’s response to an illness and is not considered dangerous. What is causing the temperature, and how should it be treated? Can the child resolve the issue on their own or do they need help?
Each child brings a story with them, and in that split-second interaction, we listen and convey that we care about them and love them as a human first. We are opening our class door and offering a world of safety, respect, and strategies for learning today and every day. Even when their internal temperature is radiating distress, we offer them love and strategies to reduce their fever.
The small but mighty act of opening the door and welcoming our students may well be one of the most important things we do all day.

  • 86% of students have requested feedback in the last 2 weeks.  Coolidge GOAL is to complete 1,246 Power Focus Assessments before Winter Break.  Students have currently completed 912, only 334 left to complete!
  • The week of November 26 - November 30th there were 74 Content Assessments Passed.  When you see a 6th grade student ask them about their progress with Summit!

In the comments section please tell me what other Winter Holiday gifts you would like to receive?

Have a wonderful weekend!


Where do I find?.........


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade 
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days 
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
  Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days
 Bundled Standards

Year at a Glance

First 20 Days

OKCPS ELA Standards by Grade Level
OKCPS and OAS Crosswalk

6th Grade Bundles

OKCPS Math  by Grade Level
OKCPS-OAS Crosswalks
OKCPS Standards by Bundles
Pre-Kindergarten  Bundles
Kindergarten  Bundles

Elementary ELA Year- at- a- Glance