Our Mission: “Educate students for lifelong learning and responsible living.”
Our Vision: “Provide a learning environment that promotes and develops academic and
social growth.”
Author of the Month: Joseph Bruchac
Word of the Month: Strong Rise N Shine: Ms. Opheim
Word of the Month: Strong Rise N Shine: Ms. Opheim
The first
priority in the classroom, even over learning, should be the teacher student
relationship. This relationship far outweighs any other technique created by
educators to further a student’s academic achievement.
—Heather T. Forbes, Help
for Billy
I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving Break and is returning ready to finish the semester strong. Fountas and Pinnell testing for all students should be underway. District common assessments for Math and Social Studies or Science are scheduled for the next couple of weeks. These assessments will be pushed to your Mastery Connect accounts. Your Fountas and Pinnell data should be uploaded into Infinite Campus and the data cards/wall should be updated. PreK ELQA should be continuing.
I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving Break and is returning ready to finish the semester strong. Fountas and Pinnell testing for all students should be underway. District common assessments for Math and Social Studies or Science are scheduled for the next couple of weeks. These assessments will be pushed to your Mastery Connect accounts. Your Fountas and Pinnell data should be uploaded into Infinite Campus and the data cards/wall should be updated. PreK ELQA should be continuing.
Calendar At A Glance
- Monday Nov 27th - Grade Book Check, Lesson Plan Check. Observations continue.
- Tuesday Nov 28th - PLC meetings. Benchmark Review on Mastery Connect for Unit 3 Benchmarks. We will also discuss math assessments and science assessments. Think Thru Math Meeting 9:45 with 4th grade, 5th Gorman, 6th Hickman during PLC time. See email for who will be covering your class. Faculty Meeting 3:30 Library
- Wednesday Nov 29th - Regular Day. Fall Sports Party after school for Football and Volleyball.
- Thursday - Regular Day. Kona Ice. Leadership meeting in the library after school.
- Friday Dec 1st - Regular Day. Formal Observations should be complete, post conferences may still be occurring. Informal Walk-Thurs resume.
- Saturday Dec 2nd - Botball Tournament at the State Fairgrounds.
F & P Testing.... Students have made incredible Fountas and Pinnell growth
–and we want to celebrate this achievement with them. On Friday, December
8th during their Special’s Time students who have leveled up at
least 1 letter level will be invited to a special event celebration in the
gym. Students not attending will be in specials TBA. F & P
testing must be completed by Wednesday, December 6th and entered
into Infinite Campus. Teachers will submit their students attending to
Brett and Huggins. Student data cards and the F & P wall in the conference room will also need to be updated.
Home / Article
By Carol Moehrle
We often hear, “Look up, look to the horizon, look out.” Seldom do we hear, “Look in.”
Looking out gives us a perspective toward the distance and what lies beyond our reach. Looking out implies looking toward the future. It gives us the dream of a new beginning and what is not yet seen.
Looking in is a critical exercise in understanding yourself as you interpret the happenings around you. If you want to enjoy and experience the future to its fullest, you must know what you possess on the inside.
Looking in requires us to hold still and focus on the present, the now—the feelings, the energy, the emotions that influence everything we view as we look out.
When we calm ourselves enough to look within, we find the space to create new beginnings and the strength to move forward.
Don't forget to look in.
Faculty and Staff Winter Holiday Celebration at Brett’s
Friday, December 8th 6:00 p.m. Please come and bring a snack to share. If you want an adult drink you will need to
bring that too. Limited Space – no children. Please RSVP to Brett
- Everyday a child reads something they choose to read.
- Every child reads accurately
- Every child reads something they understand.r
- Every child writes something that is personal and meaningful daily.
- Every child talks with peers about reading and writing.
- Every child hears an adult reader read fluently.
Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2017- 2018
- All Students WILL achieve academically.
- Reading: Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level, and know their current F & P level.
- Math: Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.
- Writing: Increase writing proficiency by 15%
- Student Attendance: Increase student attendance to 98%.
- Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
OKCPS Literacy Standards
OKCPS Math Standards
Melissa Brett | Principal
Coolidge Elementary School | Oklahoma City Public Schools
5212 S. Villa, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
(405) 587-2800
(405) 208-1581 (cell)