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Friday, October 30, 2015

Looking Ahead November 2nd - November 6th

Looking Ahead November 2nd - 6th

LARA's Class - G.E.
Word of Week:  Resiliency

 Monday - Fire Drill 1:30 p.m.  Volleyball after school
Tuesday - PLC Meetings - Classroom Pop & Post.  Davis Baby Shower 3:30 p.m. in library
Wednesday - Literacy Pals - New Leash On Life  Brett out P.M.  Principal Academy in Tulsa, OK  Volleyball after school  Flu Mists for Students
Thursday - Tutoring 3:30 - 4:30.  Be sure you have your students invited!  Brett Out - Principal Academy in Tulsa, OK
Friday - Friday Finals
Saturday - Girls Volleyball Game - Time TBA

Shout out to Mr. Dye.  He has been using the structured discussions in his classroom.

What does a goal specific rubric look like?

Another goal specific rubric:

School Culture - Don’t forget to involve students in...


Shout out to Ms. Helmicks Class, Ms. King's Class, Ms. Harden's Class - 100% of students met their Lexia goal for the week of October 30th.

Think Thru Math:
89% of students have attempted 0 to 14 lessons.
10% of students have attempted 15 to 29 lessons.
1% of students have attempted 30 or more lessons.

Total Passed:  64%
57% 288 of 503 Unique Lessons Passed Below Grade Level Lessons
67% 786 of 1,174 Unique Lessons Passed On-Grade Level Lessons

Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2015-2016

  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
  • Decrease suspensions by 25%.


Oklahoma State Blueprints:

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Looking Ahead October 5 - October 9

This is our last week before Fall Break, lets make this a great week of learning.  Be sure you ask students for their intersession forms.

Monday - Ross Out.  Baker, Barton, Gill, Reynolds out.
Tuesday - PLC Meetings Review Data, Fire Drill P.M, 1 Hour Faculty Meeting.  Please bring Rules In Schools book.
Wednesday- JA in a Day - 3rd - 6th Grade.  6+1 Writing - 4th & 5th Grade in Griffin's Classroom
Thursday - Great Expectations - Toni here Counting Contest - Rone Out, Brett Out A.M. Elephants & Sea Turtles Assemblies  Fall Into A Good Book/Health Fair 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Friday - Elephants & Sea Turtles Assemblies, Alton Carter Author Visit

Coolidge Contest:  Think Thru Math
  • Students earn a free dress day for each 5 lessons completed in Think Thru Math.  They must come see Mrs. Brett to receive their free dress wrist band.  
  • When a class completes 10 lessons they will earn a Popsicle party.  
  • When a class completes 20 lessons they will earn free dress day and extra recess.
  • The first class to complete all 30 lessons will earn a pizza party.
  • The first student to complete all 30 lessons in Think Thru Math will win a bike.
All students should spend a minimum of 1 hour a week on Lexia as well.  This counts as a Tier II intervention for Reading.  

5 Quick Classroom-Management Tips for Novice Teachers

I made a good number of blunders my first year teaching that still make me cringe. I learned though. And it's fair to say, when it comes to managing a classroom, most of what we learn as new teachers is trial by fire. It's also smart to heed the advice of those who have walked -- and stumbled -- before you. If you are struggling with discipline, here are five tips that you can start using right away:

#1 Use a normal, natural voice

Are you teaching in your normal voice? Every teacher can remember this from the first year in the classroom: spending those first months talking at an above-normal range until one day, you lose your voice.
Raising our voice to get students' attention is not the best approach, and the stress it causes and the vibe it puts in the room just isn't worth it. The students will mirror your voice level, so avoid using that semi-shouting voice. If we want kids to talk at a normal, pleasant volume, we must do the same.
You want to also differentiate your tone. If you are asking students to put away their notebooks and get into their groups, be sure to use a declarative, matter-of-fact tone. If you are asking a question about a character in a short story, or about contributions made by the Roman Empire, use an inviting, conversational tone.

#2 Speak only when students are quiet and ready

This golden nugget was given to me by a 20-year veteran my first year. She told me that I should just wait and then wait some more until all students were quiet.
So I tried it; I fought the temptation to talk. Sometimes I'd wait much longer than I thought I could hold out for. Slowly but surely, the students would cue each other: "sshh, she's trying to tell us something," "come on, stop talking," and "hey guys, be quiet." (They did all the work for me!)
My patience paid off. Yours will too. And you'll get to keep your voice.

#3 Use hand signals and other non-verbal communication

Holding one hand in the air, and making eye contact with students is a great way to quiet the class and get their attention on you. It takes awhile for students to get used to this as a routine, but it works wonderfully. Have them raise their hand along with you until all are up. Then lower yours and talk.
Flicking the lights off and on once to get the attention is an oldie but goodie. It could also be something you do routinely to let them know they have three minutes to finish an assignment or clean up, etc.
With younger students, try clapping your hands three times and teaching the children to quickly clap back twice. This is a fun and active way to get their attention and all eyes on you.

#4 Address behavior issues quickly and wisely

Be sure to address an issue between you and a student or between two students as quickly as possible. Bad feelings -- on your part or the students -- can so quickly grow from molehills into mountains.
Now, for handling those conflicts wisely, you and the student should step away from the other students, just in the doorway of the classroom perhaps. Wait until after instruction if possible, avoiding interruption of the lesson. Ask naive questions such as, "How might I help you?" Don't accuse the child of anything. Act as if you do care, even if you have the opposite feeling at that moment. The student will usually become disarmed because she might be expecting you to be angry and confrontational.
And, if you must address bad behavior during your instruction, always take a positive approach. Say, "It looks like you have a question" rather than, "Why are you off task and talking?"
When students have conflicts with each other, arrange for the students to meet with you at lunch, after or before school. Use neutral language as you act as a mediator, helping them resolve the problem peacefully, or at least reach an agreeable truce.

#5 Always have a well-designed, engaging lesson

This tip is most important of all. Perhaps you've heard the saying, if you don't have a plan for them, they'll have one for you. Always overplan. It's better to run out of time than to run short on a lesson.
From my own first-hand experience and after many classrooms observations, something that I know for sure: Bored students equal trouble! If the lesson is poorly planned, there is often way too much talking and telling from the teacher and not enough hands-on learning and discovery by the students. We all know engaging lessons take both serious mind and time to plan. And they are certainly worth it -- for many reasons.

Coolidge Elementary Academic Goals for 2015-2016

  • All Students WILL achieve academically.
  • Reading:  Increase reading proficiency by at least one grade level.
  • Math:  Increase math achievement by 10% with 80% mastery of math facts on grade level.  
  • Writing:  Increase writing proficiency by 15%
  • Student Attendance:  Increase student attendance to 98%.
  • Increase Faculty Attendance to 98%
  • Decrease suspensions by 25%.

Oklahoma State Blueprints: